VOID 0.1.1 & 0.1.2 DevLog
Patch 0.1.1 and 0.1.2 log.
Massive update! Lots to talk about!
Need lots of feedback please!! :)))
AI-generated art has been the basis for some character design. It took quite a bit of iteration but I've got 3 that I'm happy with and mechanically inspired by.
---Vexx: Auto shooter ai helper, good early game character.
- Helper: this little dude will cast projectiles at enemies you point your crosshair at, stunning them and producing lots of blood.
- Sprint: Hold key to increase speed and drain ability bar.
- starts with Pistol: basic pistol same as the starting weapon from before.
---Flux: Difficult but powerful movement ability and a screen clearing nuke.
- Nuke: Hit key to deal massive damage to every enemy in the scene
- Zap Dash: Hit key to slow time and quickly dash in the direction of your movement keys damaging enemies you pass near.
- start with Electricity: deal rapid damage that branches to nearby enemies draining large amounts of blood.
---Sable: Sword as a starting weapon. a fast character with intuitive movement ability. Slow to get going in the early game
- Slow trail: leaves behind a florescent trail of red, purple and green particles that slow enemies in the vicinity.
- Lasso: Spiderman style grappling hook ability
- starting weapon Broken Composite Sword: weak short range weapon
points are equal to damage * 100 for bigger numbers
multiplyers for time alive, kill combo and upgrade level are applied and score is displayed as a string once it reaches 1 milllion (ie "2.3 million")
stats are now tracked and displayed at each death. I'm not sure exactly what stats I want to track yet so some player feedback on this subject would be greatly appriceated. For now several stats are tracked but only for the current run.
drum and guitar loops no longer come in based on upgrade level. Music is now played as whole tracks with tracks by:
gui is now set up for PC settings for resolution and other important stuff soon to come.
---other boring stuff---
I wont be listing detailed change logs at this stage but the most important of the boring stuff is that the game now saves settings and some other stuff in a json file (un encrypted and editable btw).
I also did a lot of balance tweaks but that is all stil pretty fucked up right now especially in the mid to late game but I dont see a point in adressing that much until the characters and mechancics are finalized.
Quake movement in an endless score attack shooter with boss fights
More posts
- VOID Devlog 1Feb 17, 2023
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